How to Manage Absence During Euros 2024 and the Paris Olympics 2024

As Euros 2024 continues, and England has secured a spot in the Quarterfinals, sports fans are already excited for the summer. Adding to the excitement, is Wimbledon and that the Paris Olympics are just around the corner. These events provide businesses, particularly SMEs, with unique opportunities and challenges. How do you handle employee absences while allowing your team to enjoy these incredible moments?

Balancing enthusiasm and productivity
Managing absence during high-profile events necessitates balancing productivity with employee morale. Here are some HR strategies to help you navigate this period successfully:

Plan ahead.
While Euros 2024 has already begun, there is still time to plan. Consider the potential effects of these events on your workforce. What happens if England reaches the final? Win or lose, the consequences will be significant. Create a strategy that accommodates excitement while maintaining business continuity. Communicate with your team early about how to handle time off requests, work schedule changes, and un-authorised absences.

Flexible working arrangements.
Implementing flexible working arrangements can have a significant impact. Allow employees to change their schedules to watch important matches or events without disrupting the workflow. Remote work, staggered shifts, and compressed workweeks can provide the necessary flexibility.

Review and Reinforce Your Annual Leave and Sickness Policy
Encourage employees to schedule time off in advance for specific events. Make sure the process is fair and transparent to avoid last-minute staffing issues. Clear communication about your sickness and absence policy is critical. Discuss the consequences of unauthorised absences, which could result in disciplinary action. Conduct return-to-work interviews to address concerns and ensure fairness.

Screening Events at Work
Increase morale by screening major games or events in the office. This approach reduces absenteeism and promotes teamwork. Set guidelines to avoid disrupting those who do not wish to participate.

Consider hiring temporary staff to provide adequate coverage during events. This avoids overburdening your current team while meeting business demands, particularly if there is a lot of unplanned absence or increased workload.

Encourage teamwork.
Encourage a culture of teamwork in which employees assist one another in managing workload. This is especially useful if some employees are less interested in the events and can cover for colleagues who are big fans.

Managing employee absence does not have to be as stressful as seeing England qualify! A clear plan, early communication, and small, engaging initiatives can help your employees enjoy the summer's most important sporting events while keeping your business running smoothly.

At Castle HR & Training Solutions, we understand the complexities of managing HR during such times. If you need further assistance or advice on how to implement these strategies, don't hesitate to reach out. Let's make this summer a win-win for both your business and your employees!


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